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导演: Natasha Kermani
演员: 劳伦·阿什利·卡特,刘易斯·布莱克,亚当·大卫·汤普森,Neimah Djourabchi,凯瑟琳·玛丽·斯图尔特,Stefanie Woodburn,Sanam Erfani,凯文·奥罗克,William Wakeland,Taylor Warden,Kevin Metz,Brian Morvant,凯利·奥弗贝,Gerrard Lobo,Kalyn West,Christopher Watson,Rachel Darden Bennett,Martin Pfefferkorn,Tempest,玛莎·斯
类型: 科幻片
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
时长: 84
首映时间: 2017
更新时间: 2024-10-15

A mysterious young woman materializes in the middle of the southwestern desert, where each step teaches her about her new world and her new body. As she assumes her new life, she discovers she has a twin with whom she shares more than just an outward appearance.
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